Who needs SINGAPORE anymore when you can buy burned movies at a convenience store?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by joebloe12, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. joebloe12

    joebloe12 Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    This kind of shocked me, though with p2p so huge now I should not have been surprised.

    But I needed some gas for my car, so I spot a local convenience store and pull in to get some gas.

    I walk in....and right there on the counter is 100 or more burned CD's with all the artists you can think of.

    So I tell my next door neighbor and he says that's nothing.....He told me a place where they sold BRAND NEW MOVIES STILL AT THEATERS just like that other convenience store and they had a ton of those also.

    I thought to myself....who needs singapore when you can go in the USA to your local convenience store and buy all the pirated materials you want?

    I am NOT into selling warez because I think it is wrong, but it seems like people are starting to take an attitude that they really don't care if they can get sued or not.

    Oh, by the way, this convenience store is only a BLOCK from the local police station. I wouldn't be surprised if some officers came in there and bought them some tunes, because they are in there all the time!LOL!

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  2. rikdee

    rikdee Regular member

    Nov 11, 2009
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    Ye people just dont seem to grasp the risk, i was walking through my local flea market and someone was blatantly selling pre-flashed 360's with posters up and everything! I had to ask are they already banned and he said ye as if this was perfectly acceptable and common place.
  3. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I dont know how it works in USA but a few years ago a relative of a friend of mine had a dvd store and was selling burnt movies and the current affairs show on tv "today tonight" actually contacted the police and raided the store and it got shut down.I know in some stores you can get copied stuff if you ask the right questions or know the store ownner but generally its uncommon here in australia.You can't work in stores here and buy copied dvds/cds.

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