I need testimonials on what enclosure works well with these?I will be running 2 burners at the same time to burn off weddings that Ive recorded and Im going to be running off a powerful laptop (xps m170 fully loaded)Im on the go with this job so I must do it through my laptop 1/2 the time and from my home computer 1/2 the time.both systems have usb2 ports and firewire 400.... I use only ty 8x discs and burn at 8x... should I look for usb or fire wire? please tell me where you purshased Is there a single case I could put both burners in? thank you
Hi, Firstly the 1650/1655 currently have no f/w that supports UDMA 4. A requirement for external burners. The 1640 has external f/w BEFB/BEGB. Firewire is a better bet over USB. Where to get depends on where you are. In the states some dealers have had a good deal on the Sony 810UL. This offers both USB & Firewire, plus can be crossflashed to a BenQ. BTW the Sony f/w would read as UDMA if installed internally, so no problems with transfer rates etc.
good timing! the sony just went on sale here at future shop for $108 canadian for the Sony DRX-800UL external ... is there a difference between the 800 and the 810? can both be crossflashed????!
k thanks I think Im just going to look for enclosures for the 1655's then ... how about this one (x2)??? anything else I would need to run these 2 into one firewire port? http://www.dealsonic.com/plpmblcousb22.html
Hi, The plumax caddy with prolific chip is an excellent combo. Using Daisy Chain (two devices into 1 ) will affect perfomance. However you might still get a suitable rate (12x as opposed to 16x) for your purposes. N.B. You may have to wait for f/w to get the best out of 1655.
Ill start with my set up - Im using a 2.26 pentium-m laptop with a full 2 gig of ram. I use nero 7 to burn, and I msconfig to turn off all other programs when I burn.I need to use external burners for my side job, wich is the editing and burning of dvds for weddings (on site locations) ok so I may have made a mistake here ... I got a deal on the sony 810ul drives ... I used to burn 2 discs on my desktop in 9 minutes(benq1640) but I need to do this on the road now so its not an option ... I figured Id be able to daisy chain these and get a good proformance through my fire wire.... I guess now that Ive found out that each one you add to the firewire slows down proformance? I went with 2 and the burns were 15 minutes ... I figured since they were so much slower Id just get 2 more to save on the extra time ... I picked up 2 more (4 total) and now its 30 minutes to do 4 through firewire. well thats just too long for the editing I do. Would they run faster conected individually through usb maybe? also ... I was just thuinking are there slave/master settings on externals? Ill have to check that out too(Im at work right now) I ran a disc check on my home computer and its add... Ive got constant pif, at 1 all along the dvd ... ends up giving me a good overall score of 95-97%(qsuite benq)but Im sure it indicates a problem.