Yeah I try to organize certain video files in a folder and I get a message saying Windows Explorer is having problems. I tried a Disk Defragment but it didnt change anything.
IE has a new download. It is a beta version IE 7. I used to have problems with IE 6, but since I downloaded the beta version of 7 I have had very few problems. Give it a try.
Sorry!! Well, if that is the case there are a few things to try. Restart your computer in safe mode and run ad-aware and anti-virus programs. There may be something within your computer that is causing the error. Next while still in safe mode try to re-arrange the folders and see if you still have the error. If not then re-boot the machine and see if you have the error in regular start up mode. If you do then there is another course of action to take. Go to and see if any updates are available for you OS. If that doesn't solve the problem then you may do one of two things. System restore or if that fails to work put in your OS disk and tell it to update. This may cause you to loose some files in the MY Documents folder so be sure to back those up. Then again what am I saying? [bold]Back up everything before you start messing with the system.[/bold] Try that and let me know what happens. Sorry for misreading your original post. Good Luck!