why does'nt fta work with directv

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by lodgekey, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. lodgekey

    lodgekey Guest

    why will fta work with dishnetwork and not directv? Could it eventually work because if does not work with directv then it may not eventually work with dishnetwork.
  2. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    There is always a possibility that FTA will be shut down. First week in November the system changed encryption codes. Took about 24 hrs to get the new codes up and running again so everything is OK as of right now. But its a chance you take. I'm new to this but have read many have been doing this for years. I started out with over 500 channels. I had to edit out the foreign language channels I couldn't understand and I still have over 400 right now. How long will it last is the big question, but there are many very good programmers out there that keep us going.


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