I was posting for help on the ipod linux site and this is the response I got, http://ipodlinux.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=17673&sid=1d57f98a66f23601193413995ac72c96 This is why I like AfterDawn
wow.. now that was just wrong in so many ways.. meh just shrug it off, prolly just a bunch of kids whom think there so l33t cause they can use linux.
21Q come up from behind the bar and show them guys whos boss!!!!!! also show then ye have brass balls
I am pretty certain that at some time we had a member (who was banned) who has the same user name as on that site...that being megabyte
Man that's screwed up.You go to an Ipod linux help site for... you guessed it... help on your ipod linux problem and you get this crap.Bunk on that site it sucks. Now don't get me wrong I think people should use the search function and try to help themselves as much as possible but that was uncalled for.You even said in the thread title you did a search already.Why would these people only want to help people who know as much as them (see below). Luk 5:31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. Sorry I know lol, but the point is if you only help people who don't need it then your helping any one. *edited as well*
unfortunately that kind of posting/behaviour is far too prevalent in the Linux world, don't see that in the Unix world. Speaks volumes of the personalities of a lot of Linux posters
Is there any way to report them on that site? If so do it! This would never be going on at aD because we have members who won't put up with it and mods who won't either.I also like aD compaired to some other tech sites I'm in so don't feel bad.
@creaky I was thinking and your right.I think maybe these self proclaimed "linux gods" are younger plus have the impression they are programmers or something lol.Just because they may have made a freeware add-on or have hacked something using linux(very common). With unix it's older folks who are more mature and are real programmers not just wanna be's.Unix is a bussiness os rather than a home user os.It's roots are in bussiness and servers. Not saying all linux users just these "linux gods"
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, MOMMY, they made me feel like a noob lol so much for linux on my ipod, time to move on I dont wanna
Don't be too suprised. I had a row with an arsehole moderator at another "iPod modding" forum. He had about 4000 posts, and thought he knew the lot, therefore didn't like dealing with someone (like me) with more knowledge of the iPod than him. Been to a few unwelcoming forums lately as it goes. People need to chill out and get laid.
Not till your married lmao! Sorry about my spelling I need some rest.But anyway it's even worse if it's a mod because they are the back bone of a well running site.If the mods act that way then the regular members are not far behind. It's actually the ones who claim to know the most that know the least in my experience.I have that on the windows games forum sometimes,when your the lead poster people will target you for any little mistake and it's the same anywhere if everyone sees that your very knowledgeable they will look to pick your post apart to try and prove you wrong. It's pretty pathetic because most of us donate our time to help others.