What I mean is, I have made backups of several games that appear to be successful (age of mythology is one), they have installed properly (no cd cracks etc used) and play fine until some random freeze occurs usually within 20 minutes of play, resulting in a system reset. The original AOM disc when used (obviously I suppose) doesn't freeze during hours of play. I used Alcohol 120 to burn with safedisc option and RAW SAO (there is only RAW SAO and DAO available to choose from, supposedly because my writer is so old and crappy, it's an LG CED 8083B) Is this the result of a burn that hasn't been 100% successful even though it seems as though it is? Age of myth is Safedisc 2, that's all I know.
I assume you have (a) created a perfect backup... just because the install correctly does not mean that they will play (i.e. UT was like that). (b) the disc doesnt have any issues? and (c) you hardware doesn have any issues?
Did you burn your backup slow ? Disable antivirus (if applicable) and update your video graphic card divers (if applicable). Shoey
I burned it at x4 (thats the fastest my writer burns at) The graphics card drivers are what concern me slightly, its a geforce card and I have tried nvidias latest detonator drivers, the windows update recommended drivers and the manufacturers drivers (creative, but xp says they are not WHQL certified), the creative drivers actually improved performance.
Where do I get the 44.35 drivers? nvidias site doesn't appear to have them. I googled it and I found 44.35 drivers for NT 4 but not for XP. All I have come up with is version 44.03 for XP.
nVidia 45.33 Detonator drivers: http://www.nvnews.net/files/drivers/nvidia/45.33xp.zip http://downloads.driverheaven.net/NVIDIA/45.33_xp.zip Shoey __X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician http://www.afterdawn.com/general/legal.cfm Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+ Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700) nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H CDRW: Memorex52MAXX 2452[/small]
Cheers Shoey but something odd happended. I have the creative drivers installed as I mentioned, I went to windows update for a driver and it recommended an update, "nvidia software update" (its always stated driver update before, not 'software') So I merrily created a system restore point, downloaded and installed this update and AOM is working a treat now, smooth and lovely and fault free. The driver is dated sept 2002, unlike before it has recommended newer drivers from august this year. So perhaps having this creative driver installed helped windows update to 'amazingly somehow' find the perfect driver for my PC!! Maybe it found 44.35, i dunno it didn't mention drivers or driver versions. But in device manager the driver is listed as
Sorry Praetor, I edited my post during your reply, if you read above the driver I have now is, whatever that is, but it works. Thanks anyway Praetor and shoey,