NytBurnr, Thanks for the tip but someone beat me too it and they are out of stock. Dunker, I prefer getting an internal drive. I probably will have to get a rebagged BenQ from Norwood Micro or somebody else.
Well it's not surprising as Benq's have stopped being produced. If you want an internal drive, then you can allways look at another drive, such as the Pioneer 111 or something similar.
NytBurnr, Thanks for the lead. Unfortunately when I went to the Meritline site they were not in stock. I will just have to buy a rebagged BenQ, either Comp USA or Norwood Micro brand.
you mihgt want to stock up on the dw1650 as well at the meritline.com. those are awesome drive. they should be in stock as of couple days ago but no gurantees.
Some of the I/O Magic 16x lightscribes at Staple's will yield the rebadged Benq 1655. I believe they'll be in the pink bag. The clear bag will yield the lightscribe from Lite-on. Those Benqs sell like hotcakes!! That's why I got 4 of them,but no 1655. Edit: Try here,but it'll cost more: http://www.us.ncix.com/products/ind...acture=BENQ - STORAGE&nocookie=1&membership=0 They ship to USA and Canada. I got my 1650 from them and I am very satisfied. I can't even wear them out.
i tried to find some 1655 myself and they seem to be extinct or disappeared on the market now. i am kinda glad to stock up on 5 dw1650. i did get the samsung 182M. its pretty cheap but the quality does not measure up the benq.
I looked yesterday, actually. Except for one going for $15, there are some slim pickin's, and most are priced WAY above retail.
They didn't go belly up. They just decided not to make DVD burners anymore. My guess is they weren't profitable enough. Sad, because I really wanted one of those. ;( Wahhhhh!
Hello Guys, The samsung 182m i got does not work well man. I need some recommendation or for a replacement lightscribe drive. thanks
NEC 4550 if you can get it. You still need a hacked firmware to bitset DVD+R single-layer discs. I think Meritline or somebody has them. The Lite-On SHW-160H6S does all that right out of the box. However, I've seen lots of complaints about Lite-Ons though some folks swear by them, whereas I've seen relatively few complaints about NECs. If you can locate a Benq DW1655, grab it, but they're scarce. I think they have a tool that will enable bitsetting.
with the Benq DW1650 being a rare beast now i'm digging up a few Benq threads to shout out to any UK readers that PC World are still selling these drives, but now at £25, so i bought 2 today to keep unopened as spare drives. get them while you can i say..