Why No known suppliers of Eurovox Ex6000sd

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by e45, Oct 20, 2009.

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  1. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    There is a new Eurovox ex6000 to be released in 2 weeks to the market, i just want to make people aware, that this is not from the official Eurovox Manufacturers, and is a clone box from china, so if you see this on sale please be aware of it before you purchase it.

    As there will be no support for this unit from the main Manufacturer.
  2. buzzybeee

    buzzybeee Guest

    How can it be a clone if Eurovox hasn't made this box, clone means copy or am I missing something?. Which box is it a copy of.....
  3. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Read what it says its a clone been made of the ex6000

    they are after using the eurovox name so that they can sell the clone as its a well known brand
  4. Zemme

    Zemme Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    This is not a cloned box.

    This is a brand new Eurovox box made from the ground up.

    All the software developers from the main Eurovox company have left & got together & designed a brand new box.

    Quite a few of us have been testing this box for over 4 months now.

    A box that has been made from the ground up cannot be called a clone. It is NOT a copy of any other box.

    When this box hits the market, it will blow all the others boxes down. Thats a fact.

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  5. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    As correctly stated by Zemme this is a Brand new Box, chassis, Processor, etc etc
    Therefore there it’s obviously supported as it’s been made from the ground up !

    A complete redesign was needed with this unit as the PCB had been extensively cloned by Chinese manufacturers (and will continue to be forever),

    There has also never been a 6000 Model previously so how could it be Cloned, I think your confused with the 5000’s. This is just an attempt by someone who was approached by one of the EX1000/1100 factories (There are many) to continue selling old/outdated stock. The EX1100 was actually dropped in November by the original imported due to it reaching the end of it’s shelf life.

    The original EX1000/1100 was previously assembled in Korea, but current ones supplied from an old factory are now from Indonesia, I guess this make them Clones also ?

    Many Eurovox models were made by different factories/manufacturers as many will know, the 5100 models by Integra, the TX by Globalteq, the 8000 elsewhere, etc, etc

    I hear there are counterfeit £200 notes coming soon, although the royal Mint have yet to release them.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  6. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    This unit is not made by the Official Manufacturers of Eurovox, and well you all know it, it might be made from the start to finish but why call it a Eurovox, why not call it by the name it should have, it will not be supported by the Eurovox Manufacturers, or will it ?? So what happens when it needs an updated firmware ?? where is this going to come from, it might be working all right now, just like all the other clones, when they where released as well but when an update is needed there will be none for this unit, just like the Starview 4 clone and the ex5000. Well not from official sources, will it be another Starview 1 clone, no more updates for it, or maybe even the starview 4, which is exactly the same, or all the other Eurovox clones that have appeared, best to let people know, before they waste their money buying a clone, which might work now, but might not work after a new firmware is required, why do you think the ex5000 was discontinued due to a clone made of this unit.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  7. Zemme

    Zemme Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    i am failing to understand how a brand new Eurovox box with its own software developers & using its own software can be called a clone.

    I dont mean to rock the boat, but you need to do some more research in relation to who is the intellectual property rights owners of the Eurovox brand & ask them who they have given the permission to use the Eurovox brand. its actually the Eurovox EX6000, thats a fact.

    The current Eurovox EX1100, EX7000 HD & EX5100 are being imported into the country illegally without the permission of the sole intellectual property rights owners. Unfortunately with there court casing coming to trial soon they cannot take any legal action on the illegal importers.

    Just some knowledge to absorb.

    Remember a brand new box has its own software.

  8. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Ok 1 question for you

    IS this box made by Eurovox Manufacturers themselves ??

    or is this box made by a breakaway group that used to work for Eurovox ??

    If the answer is yes to second question why did they use the Eurovox name on their product ??

    and did the manufacturers of eurovox give permission to use their name on this unit ??

    all the info that i have posted is from a reliable source and not just my opinion.

    MICKAH Active member

    May 14, 2007
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    I dont really care if it was made by the lollypop kids from the wizard of oz or some hairy assed monks up the side of a korean mountain, if it dont do Nagra 3, it can be fired out of the nearest canon, as it will be as usueful as tits on a bull when N3 / IPTV comes into play in the UK and for the current Irish punters,

  10. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Yep well i forgot about that one as well, seen as that Uk are also going to nagra 3 real soon,so not only that box but all boxes will be door stoppers.

    But its just letting people know what they are buying, that's all, we don't want to end up having boxes named from a Company when its actually not from that Company named at all, but from a breakaway group, using its name just to sell their product.
  11. Zemme

    Zemme Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    Hi E45, please see the answers to your questions below.

    IS this box made by Eurovox Manufacturers themselves ??

    Which Eurovox manufacturer? There are four that have been used over the past 3 years. I think you are misunderstanding the setup here. The people who make the Eurovox are independent and are based in South Korea. When they make a box they choose a manufacturer for that particular box. As has been said before, Global made one, Integra made one, etc. etc...

    or is this box made by a breakaway group that used to work for Eurovox ??

    There is no "breakaway group".... please see the above answer.

    If the answer is yes to second question why did they use the Eurovox name on their product ??

    To help clarify the above answers further... When Hyundai designs a door for one of their cars they design it themselves and then give the job of manufacture to a factory. This factory then makes the door. It is still a Hyundai door. Later, they may redesign the door and chose a different factory for manufacture. It is STILL a Hyundai door. The same principle can be said of, say, designer sunglasses... I am sure Rayban use many different factories, but they are all Raybans. Did you know that Chinese companies have a habit of winning the contract to make something official for a company, and then when that company isn't looking they make 5000 and sell them out of the back door? This is how a lot of the Chinese clones of products come about.

    and did the manufacturers of eurovox give permission to use their name on this unit ??

    The manufacturers of each box do not have any say in this.

    all the info that i have posted is from a reliable source and not just my opinion.

    I truly believe this is the case for you... you are passing on information that is being passed on to you, and you believe them. However, you are not receiving factual information. The truth is that the person who is giving you this information seems to know maybe only 30% of how it all works. If your source knows everything, ask him who the third and fourth manufacturers are! In fact, it is more true to say that the one manufacturer that is still manufacturing Eurovoxes without permission is actually the breakaway group. Any support for those boxes will now have to be provided by entirely different teams, because many of the engineers that used to work on those boxes actually left to join different manufacturers. No decent updates to the EX7000HD for over 8 months. Terrible EPG and picture freezing on the cobbled-together EX1100usb.... again... the reason is obvious. The question of 'support' is already being answered by the poor software that is being released (or lack of it) by the one manufacturer you are talking about. The truth is there is plenty of room for many products. Let the customer decide.

    This is what i know.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009
  12. MICKAH

    MICKAH Active member

    May 14, 2007
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    good post and good read Zemme,


    No Mention of N3 on this box,

    Bit late letting the horse out of the stable after the race has been run and well, won.

    Unless there is a fix for the current issue, the box really aint worth the hassle. Or unless ya can enlighten me perhaps? As it stands, no one is really gonna part with the cash for something that is gonna be in the same boat as the rest of the current breed of box.
  13. mmir

    mmir Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Instead of speculating isn't there anyone who could approach Real Eurovox Company in Korea and ask them regarding release of EX6000 and if it is one of their products. There is no mention of EX6000 on Eurovox Official Web Site. Main Importer of this box should be in the know, as they would know where are they ordering it from. This would be the fourth Eurovox release in one year viz., EX5000, EX5100, Ex1100 and now EX6000.What is going on. Perhaps some one has links with the Main Importer and find out the truth and let us know.
  14. MICKAH

    MICKAH Active member

    May 14, 2007
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    its not from "Eurovox" and wont be supported by them,
  15. Zemme

    Zemme Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    As said in my post above, there are many different manufacturers for the Eurovox.

    MyMir, the website that you are looking at is for only 1 of the manufacturers.

    The Eurovox TX & the Eurovox EX8000 HD+ were officially Eurovox products also, but why are they not on the website that you are looking at? The answer to this is that they were made by a different manufacturer.

    The important thing to remember is that none of the manufacturers own the Eurovox brand. The Eurovox brand is owned by 1 specific person. The Eurovox brand owner chooses a specific manufacturer for each different model.

    hope this clears up the confusion.
  16. mmir

    mmir Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I read some where that Official Eurovox Web site has also been hacked specially its contact details have been changed. Are there more than one Eurovox Websites? If that is the case then we should check all of them and make them public. It is said that Ex6000 has been under test for the past four months. Who has been officially testing it? Who gave these boxes for test? What is the verdict? There must be a software already developed for this box, if the box is to tested rigorously in all aspects.Is that the case? perhaps Zemme or some one else in the know can throw some light on this.
  17. bollyboy

    bollyboy Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    How can there be no Support when a new box has been developed from the Ground up ?
    This obviously takes R&D does it not

    The actual facts are that any support for the EX1000/1100 will now have to be provided by entirely different people (WITH NO SUPPORT FROM THE ACTUAL ORIGINAL EUROVOX TEAM - THE TEAM THAT YOU SO HIGHLY RATE, AS THEY ARE WITH THE EX6000 AND OTHER FORTHCOMING BOXES). Many of the engineers that used to work on those older boxes actually left to join different companies, due to internal issues.
  18. MICKAH

    MICKAH Active member

    May 14, 2007
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    How can there be no Support when a new box has been developed from the Ground up ?
    This obviously takes R&D does it not - Thats stating the obvious isnt it? if some one built it from the ground up of course they will support it.

    just had a look here cant seem to see it


    And in my opinion, never liked Eurovoxs and never will, but thats just my opinion
  19. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    That is because its not from the official Eurovox Manufacturers, as i have stated earlier in my post.

    If it was from them, it would be on their website, seeing that the box has been in testing for the last 4 months.

    So unless some one can show me an official website, that this box in question is on, as far as i would be concerned this box is a clone box, no matter weather it has been built from the ground up or not, they have decided to use the official Eurovox Name, so as to sell the box to people that would not know the difference, and think it came from Eurovox themselves.

    So Zemme unless you can show me and other people that this unit comes from a reputable manufacturer, i would not be trusting it or ADVISING people to purchase it, and as Nagra 3 is going to be arriving in the UK, the same as in Ireland, i really cant see the point in bringing out a new box, that the Nagra3 encryption has not been cracked.


  20. mmir

    mmir Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    There is still no reply from anyone to questions I raised in my message above dated 25.10.2009. Perhaps someone can oblige.
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