I downloaded The Office (US) season II. I have Nero 7 so I did burn as DVD. Season II has 22 episodes so I did 11 per disc. The compression automatically sent to high so that it would fit. In just about every episode there is a glitch. Voices may be up to 5 seconds off, picture may stop then start, etc. Why is this? My computer is an Asus A7N8X DELUX with a XP2400 CPU, NEC 3520A, RAM is only 256MB of PC2100 (is that why)? Discs are Toiyo Yuden 8X DVD+R, Nero doesn't give a burning option speed, it only has Max. Thanks
Definitely not enough RAM. You need [bold]at least[/bold] 512MB. I'd recommend even more. As for burning speed, that is likely the cause of your problem. You should never burn faster than 1/2 the rated speed of your media. I don't use nero, so I don't know what to tell you about setting the burn speed.
More RAM won't hurt, but 256MB is sufficient. I'd say that the video that you illegally download is crap that screws up when trying to convert with the one click solutions. 11 episodes per disc is also not helping if you want playback to look good. Stick with five 22-24 min shows per disc.
Ok, I just didn't want to burn 4-5 discs for that season, that is why I did it. I didn't think downloading tv shows was illegal since you can DVR or VHS record them. Anyone know why Nero only says Max for burning speed?
some good points were made about the downloading (might be corrupt files) and the amount of RAM and the burning speed. Your Taiyo Yuden disks are fine. How is your firmware? is it up-to-date? Here is the firmware page: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php find out your firmware with Nero InfoTool! Update if needed. Also not recommending to put 11 episodes on a disk..... you're cramming too much on disk and the quality and the conversion of that downloaded file may cause problems. I usually keep quality high with 9 episodes to a disk (if they are 30 min shows--which turn out to be like 22-25mins long cause the commercials are taken out). If they are hour long episodes then only 5 should fit nicely. but it all really depends on the downloaded file and if it's not corrupted. also using Nero 7 is the most buggy Nero yet. try downloading Nero 6.
DKAudio , Insert a DVD blank disk in the burner. Now using Nero DriveSpeed it will read the different speeds you can use w/ that blank media. Then you set the speeds by going to Options and then you add the different speeds you want to use. I set mine to go from 2X to 16X in increments of 2
Thanks, I will try that. I had Nero 6 Suite and it didn't have recode, it wouldn't compess very much, it didn't have MPEG2 DVD. I was told to download plugins so I did that and it never worked right.
You should also consider using Dvd Rebuilder if you want to compress your dvds. It takes longer but using the included encoders the quality is much better IMO.