Wide screen to Full screen

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by miles73, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. miles73

    miles73 Guest

    When you have a rip of a movie and you want to convert it is there anyway to make a wide screen movie into full sceen?
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Converting to full screen implies that the right and left sides of the video will be chopped off (normally the WS movie is displayed in letterbox).
    I assume the source movie has no black bars and is to be displayed on a standard 4:3 TV set.
    Some standalone players can zoom in various steps - the first step may give the same effect as a widescreeen conversion.
    If there is no zoom feature available, IfoEdit can be used to modify the files so that the DVD, when played back on a standalone unit into a standard TV set, fills the screen (at the cost of the sides being chopped off).

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