I am looking for a user manual for an adapter model# YT-WA1714A maker unknown, brand unknown. I will describe it as the post describes it. USB3, daual antenna, dual band, mounted on a stand at it in case anyone recognizes it. #152374229035. Any ifo welcome. A simple single attena tiny adapter does not work. The wi fi in this building is not easy to connect to despite the recent upgrades. This is for a desktop usb2. Item is compatible with usb 2/3. This is an HP ELITE 8000. I do not know what type or open slots are available. I would rather use the ports than the slots as in my experience HP has issues with cards. Thanks. I asked the seller the same question.
is this what you have? http://www.ebay.com/itm/2IN1-AC1200...gle-with-Bluetooth-4-0-Function-/152367353945 I've never had problems with hp cards just sometimes with dell.
I have seen this. The issue is that no one in my building uses desktops only a few notebooks. Some wired some wireless. The other issue is that the wifi is apparently not always "connectible" depends where you are in the building. I need a dongle that can connect no matter where in the building I am just to be sure. A plug and play would be a plus. Once connected I can remove my router. hopefully. and use one unit in each desktop. Any advice welcome. I am doing this partly to save $s.