Wifi Max & Nintendo USB Connector Software?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by bboy1, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. bboy1

    bboy1 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I've got the WiFi Max which is crap compared to the Nintendo one. I had it working on XP but can't get it to work with Vista even though Datel have a guide to do so. Is it possible to use the Nintendo Wifi USB connector's software with the WiFi Max? Cause I had the Nintendo one before and it was really easy to set up and connect.
  2. umashi

    umashi Guest

    about the wifi dongle it depends on whether you have dial-up or broadband and to answer your question yes the wifimax cd works with vista here's instructions on how to do just that explore the cd then click the zydas folder then click the old zydas folder then try installing that version from there and to answer your question on the wifi usb software if im right you should be able to use other software with the wifi dongle if you want proof that other software works with the dongle try it yourself.ps:remember a lot of wifi software and hardware does not work with dial-up you must have dsl,ethernet,or a lan network i hope this info was helpful info notify me if it was @ youtube.com/zero2umashi

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