I recently have been having an interesting time setting up wifi with my ds. Eventually I resorted to getting a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector, which I used the modified drivers for to run in Soft Ap mode. On commercial games, it works just fine. However Homebrew doesn't at all. I don't think its a matter DLDI patching, because I have been able to get the homebrew to connect before to my university's wireless. However its wireless is useless because I have to go through an authentication page, which uses username and password instead of mac filtering. On homebrew it just sits there searching for a long while, before saying something like cannot connect AP. I've looked online quite a bit, but still haven't come up with any solutions. I'm not using WEP encryption, and its set to Open. Any ideas? Thankyou very much in advanced.
I need some solution too. Have the exact same problem. Games work fine on wifi, but homebrew doesn't. I have M3 as well