Hello, I just burned some home movies to blank Verbatim DVD+R discs at 4X speed. I can view them on my brand new computer, but they come up as "incompatible discs" on my DVD player. My DVD player is an RCA model that is about 7 years old. Any ideas on how I can view these discs on my DVD player. Thanks John
Do you mean [bold]DVD-R[bold]? I used DVD+R 16x and I burned at 4X. Will an new DVD player read and play these Verbatim DVD+R ? If so, which DVD player should I get? Thanks John
I have never done this but they claim you should booktype your dvd+r to dvd-r but I not sure of this because i've never done it . so i've always used dvd-r the brand of dvd-r's are a big factor get the Verbatim you will have great luck with these. I've heard that the dvd-r's play in most people's dvd players that is when someone on afterdawn told me about the booktype way they claim dvd+r booktyped worked better
As far as player's i have a 200.00 toshiba ,panasonic and a 29.99 prothron and the dvd-r work good what programs are you using to rip and burn
I'm using Sonic MyDVD. It seems to have worked when I using a DVD-R. When you purchase a new DVD player, does it include information as far as formats supported (DVD+R, etc)?
@ yanksfan yes you can use the dvd+r disks for that year of set top player, but as rbrock suggests, when you record the movie, set the "book type" to "dvd-rom", as your player is rather antiquated, dvd-r is probably all it will recognize. If your desire is to purchase a new player, you would be well recommended to stay away from RCA & Sony, go with Toshiba, JVC, etc., and yes, the abilities/functions are listed on the outside of the box
first off........ from one Yankees fan to another Yanksfan...... Then your Verbatim 16x disks will have trouble playing on your old player..... it might work if there is a firmware update for it.... but you're better off going out and picking up a newer DVD player like I just did! Booktyping your burner so your +R media reads DVD-ROM is a good way to make your discs more compatible to play in most DVD players since store bought DVDs are DVD-ROM...... some drives can be Booktyped other's can't. I have a Philips 8631 drive, which is a rebadged BenQ drive...... so DVDINfo Pro was able to booktype my drive to make all my +R discs read as DVD-ROMs. or you can use DVDDecrypter to see if your drive can be booktyped: you can download DVDDecrypter here: http://fileforum.betanews.com/download/DVD_Decrypter/1011845169/1 you can download DVDInfo Pro here: http://www.dvdinfopro.com/ and read up on Booktyping here: http://k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php also you can set Nero to do this automatically! when purchasing a new DVD player try to pick up one that plays everyting..... mine plays everything except DivX files. I love Sony DVD players so I picked up the DVP-NC85H ..... it's a 5 disk caracell changer with an HDMI output which gives upscale 720p/1080i for and playes MP3 DVD/CD, along with ever blank DVD/CD/RW that is available now..... not an HD-DVD or a Blue-Ray, though........ and it only cost less than $150.00 on sale: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...t&productCategoryId=cat15078&id=1138083263924 and did I mention it plays everything!
yanksfan if you need top know what type of dvd's you dvd player will or will not play go to this web site and put in your model number and it will tell you what you need to know. hope that helps http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers
thanks for the help. I don't think my drive can handle booktyping. I will buy a new DVD player. I think I'll look for the Sony DVP-NS55P. I hear good things about these. Go Yankees John
that's the same player I bought for my mother! And it has the same features as my DVP-NC85H, but mine is a caracell 5 disk changer. I always had caracells, so convenient ..... I don't have to change the disks all the time and it remembers where it leaves off if I shut it down!