what is tsop flashing, what can i do with it? how do i do it, ive been searching and i cant find/understand anything
http://www.xbox-scene.com/tutorials.php second link down. This will tell you all you need to know. Also click on the forum button, there is an entire forum dedicated to this topic.
just right click and save file http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/~xbox/xbo...ing_TSOP_With_ANY_Version_XBOX_By_SLuSHIE.rar _X_X_X_X_X_[small]v1.1/avalaunch dash/80gig maxtor/7v-12v switchable fan/coaxle digital out built in/black and black cherry paint for box and controller/tri-color led in other controller powered by rumble motors/[/small]
hey thanks, i see you cant do this without a modded xbox, which i cant do because i live in nebraska!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!