Hey guys I've got a small problem here and need some help. I have got a windows ME,600 mhz computer with Nero 5.5 that I'm working on. His original burner (Philips 4x8x32) went bad. I installed a new burner, (Lite on I believe) Bios found it, all went fine till I opened Nero. "Win-ASPI '?.?' cannot be found, therefore you can currently select only image recorders. The missing file if one of the Windows 95/98/Me files. Please fix this problem and restart Nero (Error 12: Init failed!)"error. All Google found was do an uninstall with nere clean tool and reinstall. This did not work. I tried again also adding a registry cleaner in the mix to completely remove Nero. This time installed my Nero 6 Ultra. Same error, any idea's. Dan
Gwendolin, I tried your suggested download with the same results. I also tried the one from Nero's website. Same results there. Thanks
Try this... http://radified.com/ASPI/forceaspi.htm Run the killASPI script, then reboot and run instASPI and reboot...see you get any joy. I'm all for saving an older machine, but at some point it gets easier to just move on.
LOCOENG, your the man. That fixed the problem. I agree with you about saving old computers but I don't think I would keep anything older than 900 mhz. He's retired and doesn't even have this one online, so I get programs here at home walk down there and run them. He uses it to print receipts for his small engine repair business and to copy mower repair CDs he gets at the library. Once again thanks Dan