Does WinAVI (or any other program you can think of) have an option to convert MULTIPLE files at once but create only one output for each file? I have about 10 FOLDERS, some have 1 .AVI file in them, some have 2 .AVI files in them, and I want to be able to leave it on all night and have all of them converted where each folder will output one dvd file So no matter the amount of AVI files in each folder or the size, each FOLDER will output ONE dvd_0 file or whatever that is a standard DVD-R size Thanks free version of divxtodvd (now known as convertxtodvd). It has the ability to do batch conversions just be sure to set each output folder individually.
Yes, jm07, WinAVI can do either multiple avi's merged into one DVD, or multiple avi's put into separate DVD folders, one for each AVI. I had some trouble setting the options in WINAVi but onve you know how their thinking works its easy. If you need to know how, let me know. Cheers RD