I am getting message when I start my lapto, NTLDR missing. I have try to fix it, by making a usb drive, but not working. I try to put window CD and try to fix the problem, but no success. Need some help. Thanks.
Did you bother using Google for "NTLDR missing"? I think we should start charging for solutions that can easily be found using the forum search function or Google. $50 per help call sounds fair.
If you have system file corruption you might get that message, you can try doing a chkdsk c: /f and see if that can fix the corruption. If you deleted or moved partitions around, you might have to go into the boot.ini file and edit it. If the boot.ini file is referencing windows on the wrong partition it won't find the ntldr and cause the problem you have. If you removed a dualboot, the ntldr might have been deleted in the process, you will have to reinstall the ntldr file from the OS installation cd.