Windowing Games

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by Kronos900, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Kronos900

    Kronos900 Guest

    All i want to know is how do i window games with ease? I wish to window LOTR BFME II, so then i can do other things at the same time. I have currently 2 monitors, so i can use them both whilst playing BUT i need to window the games i wish to play!. Someone pleeeease help!
  2. faqman98

    faqman98 Regular member

    Apr 12, 2007
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    have you checked the grapical settings? there is often a option to make it windowed. you might also want to check that ur computer can handle all of that stress
  3. Kronos900

    Kronos900 Guest

    Don't worry, running BFME 2 in a windowed state is no prob for my 4GB Ram and Geforce 8800 640MB GCard (Yes i wanted to show off a bit :D) There is no option for windowed gaming for BFME 2. I have checked everything. However, i figured out that if you put -win, in the command line. It will window itself. And its awesome. Talk to peeps via webcam and mic. Brill.. Thanks for your help anyways. If you know of a website that lists how to window games, do tell. (I think thats it) anyways is for wide screen resolutions help. BFME 2 is on there. Thanks peeps. bye!

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