I have a 32 bit OEM (system builder) Windows 7 Ultimate install DVD with a product key that has not been used. But I also have the install disc for my PC where I installed the 64 bit version of Windows 7 Ultimate. Is it possible that I could install the 64 bit version using my 64 bit install DVD using the product key that came with the 32 bit version? If the 32 bit version were an updated SP1 version would that make a difference? Where the 64 bit install DVD was the original release?
Yes, my 64 bit version is a Full version of Ultimate that I installed on the PC I'm typing this message on now. The 32 bit version is a System Builder version of Ultimate. So your saying that it will not work? Could I download a 64bit OEM (system builders) ISO somewhere that would work?
so,it sounds like your wanting to use your key to install on 2 computers.we cant talk about piracy on this site,so all you can do is try and let the chips fall where they may.