ill just jump right to the point! recently my comp has started acting up, an error message comes up and says sumfin about explorer having a problem and needs to be shutdown, well it shutsdown and starts up then works, BUT THIS IS WHERE IT ALL GOES WRONG! now everytime i turn on my comp, log in, ANYTHING i try to open windows explorer automatically shutsdown, no error meassage nuthing, i try open my documents, it lags and then the start button along with everything else on the desktop dissapears then re appears!! anything i try to open this happens, could anyone help!! i scanned the computer for virus's b4 this happened, now its just plain F*KD..could anybody tell me what i haf to do to fix this problem???? AND I MEAN ANYTHING I CLICK ON!! i cannot open 1 thing on the comp! please help sumbody! thanks
umm yes..ill try that but i cant even open up anything, theres only 1 program i can open, and thats sum system cleaner, so yeas currently im on my laptop, ill try that, if it doesnt work, ill see if i can take a system restore on my comp somehow...ill post the log if im able to do that! thanks
What's your system spec? You probably have a virus and might neeed to reinstall windows, or even possibly wipe your hard drive.
ok my comp is now fine, 1 of my m8s came and did sum back up thingy with 1 of the programs i got installed, its fine, thanks ppl for ur advice, it helped!!