Windows fails to boot up

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by 1234aaron, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. 1234aaron

    1234aaron Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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    im getting jumbled letters on the bios bott screen in the area where it says Checking CD-ROM... and all that. sometimes it just frrezes. and if windoes makes it to the boot screen it will reboot straight after it. but any other time i boot i get this message, this is a legit clean install of XP home by the way. what can you make of this?

    TRAP 00000006 ==================EXCEPTION

    tr = 0028 cro = 800000011 cr2 = 00000000 cr3 = 00039000

    GDT Limit = 03ff Base = 0003F000 idt limit = 07FF base = 0003F400

    CS: eip=0008 : 004UCC35 SS: Esp = 0010 : 0005F87C

    errcode = 0000

    flags = 00010006 Nocy No2r IntDis Down TrapDis

    eax - 800872B8 Ebx = 800873FB Ecx = 80087498

    Edx = 0005F920 ds = 0010 es = 0010

    edi = 00000005 esi = 80087498 ebp 0005F899

    Cr0 = 80000011 Fs = 0030 Gs = 0000

    Thats it!

    what happened is about a month ago, i turned the computer on. explorer didnt start up (it was running extremly slow btw, which was unusuall...not that its fast, its an acer)

    i turned it on, didnt load explorer process, so i started task manager and started it manually, then when ever i clicked on an icon it didnt do anything and the taskbar had the little loading cursor over it and it was like that for about 20 mins until i gave up and rebooted it. when i booted it back up it ran dskcheck. so i let it go and it froze on dskcheck. huh????? why!?!?! so i booted it up AGAIN!! and it did the same thing. then after about the 3rd rebootup i did it was just rebooting itself right after the XP boot screen... so i reinstaled XP on its HDD and test it on my computer, and well its fine, so that rules out the HDD. i tested the ram aswell as diffrent sticks and it still wont boot, so its not the ram.

    So i was thinking... mabey the CPU or the BIOS...? Better not be the bios cuz its soldered on! oh and ive tried onboard, and 2 graphics card and it does the same thing.

    Its an Acer Aspire SA10. 2 x 256MB ddr 400MHz RAM. 1 Single core 2.80GHz Celeron D. (socket 478 or something, the one before 775)
    geforce 5200.

    can ya help me fix this tin can?

  2. kmp_tm

    kmp_tm Guest

    Sounds like a CPU mess, but I could be wrong. (I conjectured this because you could boot before.)

    Was there a CD in the optical drive? If so, take it out.

    I'm guessing you're using a desktop computer. Is it a desktop or a laptop?

    Try googling it, too.
  3. 1234aaron

    1234aaron Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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    hehheh i actually did fix it, i know i said i tested the ram, but i never actually took out the ram that came with it, i thought that that ram was the problem, and i thought taking it out would be pointless. and annoying cuz its hard getting the desktop back into its cave with all the wires in. but in the end i thought... well ok, ill give it one try. so i did... and it worked. lol all that time wasted!!!!! So yea... if anyone else has this problem test ALL of your ram first!!! :D

    but if anyone reads this. for some reason when i open up windows activation and click activate over the net. it says it failed to connect to there server or something... i think its because im on wireless is there a fix for that??

    thanks :)
  4. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    You did reinstall right so you'd have to setup your wifi again or just use hardwired to get it activated
  5. EWOcelot

    EWOcelot Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    Use Memtest86+ to test your ram.

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