windows installation problem

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Z_A_X, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. Z_A_X

    Z_A_X Regular member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    ok i bought some new parts (well basically a new computer) for my parents and trying to get it to run on the current installation of windows when it loads up the mouse and keyboard dont work and ive tried usb and ps2 mice and keyboard. the strange thing is that the keyboard works fine in the bios. so i figured ill reinstall windows but before i even get to the first menu screen, i get a blue screen of death and these are the codes

    ***STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0xf786a0bf, 0xF7CB6208, 0xF7cB5F08)
    *** pci.sys - Adress F786A0BF base at F7863000, Datestamp 3b7d855c

    i got an...

    -asus A8V-XE mobo
    -AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego 2.4GHz Socket 939 Processor
    -1 gb ddr 400 Ram
    -GeForce 6200LE TC (pci-e)
    and a 430 watt power supply

    so can someone please help me really need to get this thing working (annoying sister keeps bugging me about the darn thing)
  2. Chris361

    Chris361 Member

    Sep 7, 2007
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    If you change the hardware significantly, please just format and reinstall Windows. You don't even know the amount of headaches you will cause yourself if you don't.

    Even if it is remotely the same motherboard, manufacturers like to change the chipsets almost every time they change the revision of the board.

    Do yourself a favour first, clone the current hard drive into a compressed image file, if you are using Ghost, grab Ghost Explorer so you can view it later. When you have formatted and reinstalled Windows on your hard drive, you can move the Ghost image file (in *.GHO format) to your freshly installed drive. Just drop Ghost Explorer in root of C:, or somewhere you will be able to find it easily, and on first open of the file, point Windows to the Ghost Explorer program.

    For that, go get yourself a copy of Hirens Boot CD (, and run Partition Magic to format the drive first. Then run Windows setup.

    Remember to Clone First, Ask Questions Later!

    I hope that helps you.

  3. Z_A_X

    Z_A_X Regular member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    well i dont really want to save anything and my HD has too much crap to make a backup of everything so i just want to reinstall windows but now i have a retarded problem. ok i actually got everything working and im in windows now but it says that i have to activate windows and it wont let me, so i tried calling the two numbers that they give me so i can activate it over the telephone and the two numbers dont work! i mean one is some guy and the other one it says that it got disconnected. i bring this up because i know im going to run into this when i reinstall windows
  4. Chris361

    Chris361 Member

    Sep 7, 2007
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    You selected the correct country before you called right? Try calling from a different country, I always call from Canada. Although I live in Canada haha.

    You might have installed from the wrong CD for your license, but it should have stopped you during installation. If this activation just popped up out of nowhere, and you didn't do a reinstall, something might have accidentally deleted the WGA file in the System32 folder (Windows Genuine Advantage).

    Anyone else know what he could do?
  5. Z_A_X

    Z_A_X Regular member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    yeah when i pick the country i pick the united states. i tried using Canada too but it was the same number lol but the reason it said that i had to reactivate it was because my hardware significantly changed but im going to try and reinstall windows today and see what happens... man Microsoft is retarded lol.
  6. Chris361

    Chris361 Member

    Sep 7, 2007
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    Haha yeah agreed. Good luck talking to the wonderful computer voice lady for Microsoft Activation :p
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2007
  7. Z_A_X

    Z_A_X Regular member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    last time i did it, it was some indian lady that could barley speak English lol

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