windows media player 10.....what kind of cd's do I buy?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by titokman, Jul 19, 2005.

  1. titokman

    titokman Member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    I have windows media player 10,and i am using a hp 8200+ cd writer
    for burning audio cd's. I tried using memorex cd-r cd's and
    e-gear cd's......both which are700mb and 80 minutes of free space.
    when i try to burn with these 2 different brands, it fails, telling me to change the speed and make sure the disk is clean. Iv'e tried every setting possible, and nothing works. I then tried Napster cd-r
    brand which has the same specs of the memorex and e-gear cd's,
    and they work fine. My question is can i make the e-gear and
    the memorex cd's work for me for burning audio cds?
  2. klepto

    klepto Guest

    don't use windows media player as a burning program.
    Nero is much better.
  3. InMaChip

    InMaChip Guest

    ya get nero and sony those are the best:)

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