Windows Network Problem

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Blake01, Oct 21, 2006.

  1. Blake01

    Blake01 Member

    Oct 21, 2006
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    I have just set up my network, but I've got a problem.
    I have shared some programs over the network, but for some games it says stuff about missing dlls. Also, when I try to start Visual Studio it says "The appliction failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect."

    What is the problem?
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2006
  2. jorahan

    jorahan Guest

    1) You might want to try and install the game on both laptops.
    2) The Dll you are probably missing is: d3d9x.dll or similar, to fix this re-install DirectX.
    3) (I did this whole thing a long time ago so) Give me the next error, THere should be a continuation of errors, to about 15 of them. They all can be fixed if you want the game that bad.

    NOTE- You only want them for single play right?
  3. DoubleDwn

    DoubleDwn Regular member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    You cant install a program on one computer then share the EXE with another . It doesnt work that way. When a program is installed, dll's are registered in the registry, etc with specific paths and settings. If you only try to run the shared EXE without installing the entire app on the second laptop, you will always get errors. This is true for most (I say most, cause some programs are self contained) applications that you install.

  4. jorahan

    jorahan Guest

    What he said is true, Although, Most older games.
    Diablo 2-
    AOE 1& 2-
    Warcraft 3 +Frozen Throne-
    Starwars Battle Front-
    ---Just post the errors you get here.

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