Windows Users Passwords

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by lauzzie, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    I have several users set up under Windows XP all with their own passwords. My question is that each user can get access to another users documents even though they are going in through their own password. How can I prevent this. I made my daughter a limited user but then her Itunes program wasnt working properly so I had to make her an administrator again. Isnt the whole reason you have passwords to give each user privacy. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    There is an easy way to do this if you have window XP pro. Do you have home or pro?
  3. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    when your setting up passwords for user accounts it usually asks if you want to make the folder private. clicking yes will make sure that users cant see each others files.
  4. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    I will answer both the above questions in one if thats ok. Firstly, I have Windows XP Home. Secondly,I did make the folders private but because my daughter is so young I monitor her MSN use with the MSN Messenger Log. I have her conversations saved onto my side of the computer. When I set the folders to private I could not save the message log. I dont mind if I can get into her side but I would prefer if she could not get into my side.
  5. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    in that case you need to make your own files private but leave her files viewable to all.

    the simplest solution would be to log in as your daughter and set your own files to be hidden (right click on your folder and tick the hide box) just make sure that the folder options are set so as you cant see hidden files and folders
  6. Bird7

    Bird7 Regular member

    Jun 9, 2005
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    Im going to shoot out an easier way, Start>Right Click My Computer>Manage. And go to the users tab. Set it up there. Making here have limitations to folders and files.
  7. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    I got as far as Manage - but cant find the Users Tab. Am I looking in the wrong place.
  8. Bird7

    Bird7 Regular member

    Jun 9, 2005
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    oh sorry i was thinking of 2000, Start>Control Panel>Then Users tab
  9. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    Thanks Bird7 I will go have play and see what I can come up with.

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