I currently have Windows XP. I am pretty satisfied with the OS, but I want to know more about what is on the market (other Operating systems). What are some advantages and disadvantages to using the linux OS? Is it possible to have Windows XP and Linux OS on the same computer? THanks for any input Mike
Yeah, it's possible to have a dual boot (windows and linux) on your pc, if your HD has enough space. If you want to learn about linux, try downloading a "live"distribution of linux (runs of a cd, doesn't install) like DSL(Damn Small Linux). BTW, linux isn't an OS...
The original Linux isn't an OS like windows is, it works in a totally different way (It is an Os in the broad sence of the word, but not an OS like you mean). (i'm not gonna explain the whole story here, just go to linux.org to read the entire rant)