Hi, i started this new thread because i couldn't find a new one on this forum, and the search result gave no findings. However, if there is another topic in this forum on the same subject, please give me the link. Here's the problem: I have ABIT KD7-RAID motherboard, with the RAID disabled. I bought it about 3 years ago. At first, it worked fine with windows xp. It took almost a year until i was forced to reinstall windows because of the system failure. Anyway, since about a year ago, (i don't know if it is related to winxp sp2), i was beginning to see the following error: [bold] -MY SYSTEM HANGS ON SHUTDOWN OR RESTART -MY SYSTEM RESTARTS ON SHUTDOWN COMMAND, WITH A NOISE OF POWERDOWN FOLLOWED BY A NOISE FROM THE HARDDISK AS IF IT WAS REINITIALISED -MY SYSTEM SHUTS DOWN ON SHUTDOWN COMMAND, WITH A NOISE OF POWERDOWN (THIS NOISE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BETTER, IT COULD BE UNIMPORTANT), BUT DOES NOT POWER OFF, MEANING THE POWER LED IS STILL ON AND THE COOLER OF THE POWER SOURCE IS STILL RUNNING - SOMETIMES, AFTER ANY OF THE EVENTS DESCRIBED ABOVE, OR AFTER A NORMAL SHUTDOWN OR RESTART (IT HAPPENS, RARELY, THAT MY SYSTEM NORMALLY SHUTS DOWN OR RESTARTS), THE SYSTEM STARTS THE CHKDSK UTILITY TO CHECKMAINLY THE SYSTEM PARTITION, AND USUALLY FINDS SOME ERRORS AND DELETES AND INSERTS SOME DATA IN SOME FILES NUMBERED, AND IT CREATES THE FOLDER FOUND.000 -AFTER SOME CYCLES DESCRIBED ABOVE, MY SYSTEM BECOMES BEYOND HOPE OF RUNNING AND I AM FORCED TO REINSTALL WINDOWS OR RESTORE A BACKUP.[/bold] When i install a new system, these symptoms start when i install certain number of software, or maybe windows updates. Since an operating system should run without this kind of problems, i think it could be repaired. I must say that the system runs very smoothly , the problems are only shutdown related. I have athlon xp 1800+ and 512 mb ddr, 80 gb hdd, kworld tvtuner, gigabyte ati radeon 9200 se video card. Also, during this last year, i have searched and tried all kind of troubleshooter guides and none of them gave results. Please, give me some advice, any bios settings, hardware or software related, it would be much appreciated. Thank you very much for reading this post and for your answers.
Shutdown issues can be a real pain to diagnose as you have discovered. Without knowing all that you install at once, the only way to really find out what it is, is to install things bit by bit and see when it starts acting up.
You're right. I have tried to figure it out, but i couldn't find anything specific. Also, i would like to say that i don't know why the troubleshooting guides point out the HAL changing to ACPI without telling about ACPI uniprocessor PC (which is aqlready recognised in our computers).
I have had some major issues with some of the updates after and includig SP2. Do a clean install and leave SP2 off. Run it for a week or so. Then add 1 update at a time and test the functionality. This is a LOONG process, but its one of those things that must be done to find the culprit. You are going to find that one of these updates is what is causing your problems (hopefully). When you do the "install all available updates" you lose the ability to single out the problem child. Good luck and be patient. You'll get'er figured out. ~Rich
Windows operating system updates that are built from a service pack, really need to be installed as an OS, and not an upgrade. Meaning, the service pack needs to be installed as a slipstreamed XP CD. Almost all issues from a service pack upgrade fall victim to that course of action. Same goes for an OS upgrade such as 98 to Me, or 2000 to XP. Best to start fresh.
Hi all, and thank you for the replies. I recently have searched some replace programs for the shutdown.exe in windows (especially XP). Of course, i searched for a freeware program. And i found one called "quick shutdown, version 2.6" http://www.winutility.com/qsd/ . I don't know if i should advertise here, please excuse me and erase this if it's against the forum rules (I know for now that i can't post my e-mail address). I have restarted and shutted down for almost 3 days now (and i expect it not to last very long, but, who knows?), since i posted the first message in this thread and with no symptom. It seems to work fine. Maybe it contains another code and it doesn't call the windows shutdown program, but instead it call its own functions, i don't know, but i encourage others to test such programs (preferable freeware) and report in this thread if they solve the problem. I'll anounce if the problem reapears even with this program. Anyway, i suspect it is a problem of the windows shutdown.exe program, and the suspicion would increase if this software i downloaded would have solved the problem (meaning no symptom after many restarts and shutdowns). Good luck!
Hi again. It seems that my solution above doesn't work at all. Only maybe fewer events. Recently I have discovered spyware on my computer, and I have scanned it with 4 softwares, and every one discovered something. I mean after i ran one software, it still remained some spyware behind. I hope i don't have any anymore. I have restarted successfully about 10-12 times since then. I also have disabled wellcome screen. Hope it works, I'l let you know.
Hi. I have recently (about one week ago) uninstalled an antivirus software which asked me if i wanted to remove some "ntfs streams" it created (it said it might be useful to keep them if i would want to use that software again in the future). I said ok (removed them). Since then, i didn't have any shutdown problem. I don't know for sure if this was the problem. I just lost hope for a while, and suddenly it came back...let's see for how long...