Windows XP

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by bigru, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. bigru

    bigru Member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    I am by no means a whizz on the pc, so as I was hoping that someone could tell me if it is possible to put a block on someone downloading stuff onto a computer, like games and things from discs !

    I know that in XP you can creat a GUEST account, and restrict the amount of access they have, but is it actually possible to prevent someone accessing the hard drive when trying to download software etc ???

    Any help would be great, thanks
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Im not sure I understand..... if you wont have access to the harddrive then where would you be downloading to?
  3. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    Praetor I read that the same yesterday either early or late on but figured I was in beer overload mode and I was reading it wrong thru to much beer ....turns out I wasn't~heh~
  4. bigru

    bigru Member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Sorry about the confusion,

    what I mean is, I own a computer, that is used by one other person, and they, much to my annoyance, continually download shit onto it, basically games and things.

    Is there anyway I can prevent them from being able to save games onth the PC ??
  5. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I think it is possible to make there account Read only. However then the computer would be useless, as you couldn`t save Word documents, excell, make files or do any work and save it to a drive. What does this person use the computer for? IF it is only for word documents ete, then limit there amount of writable space to say 300Mb or so. Something that would stop a disks worth of data being downloaded.
  6. bigru

    bigru Member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Thanks for your reply, he only uses it to load games onto, but when he does so, he really f****s the computer up, with files everywhere and deleting files etc !!

    I have activated the "GUEST" account in XP for him, and password protected ny account, but i was hoping there was a way to top games being loaded !!
  7. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    IF they only use it to load games and you don`t them to load games. then what you need is a big long chain and a padlock and stop them from turning on, and using the system. Why would you give them an account when the only thing that they use it for is what is driveing you crazy?
  8. bigru

    bigru Member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Thats a good question mate, and I fear it would take too long to answer, lets just say, it would be more than my life is worth with the missus, if I stopped his access to the PC
  9. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Ok if the is the situation then there is an old program that you can find and install. We but it on all school computers for fun (there were macs though). When ever you save or write data to the hard disk, the screen turns black. Then a bomb appears and says the computer will implode if not shut down in 30 seconds. That usually freaks most people out, it is completely harmless, except you may loose a report if you did select to save untill the very end. But was really funny. I should see if I still have a copy some where.
  10. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    Probably the easiest solution is to give him a user account, not administrator. Then right click on your drives and go to Properties. Select the Security tab. Add his account there and give him Read and Execute permissions and List Folder Contents only.

    Make a directory with his name and give him full control over that. That way he can install anything he wants there provided it doesn't need to create registry entries, but only in that directory so you don't have things scattered everywhere.
  11. kenny-cme

    kenny-cme Guest

    or you could chop his hands off (you gota laugh mate)if this guy is important to your life then get him a cheap pc cause there is no way you can stop him from downloading crap and that`s a fact look for an alternative route,
  12. bigru

    bigru Member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Xian, your a gem, thanks very much mate !!

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