windows xp

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by bellbells, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. bellbells

    bellbells Member

    Nov 10, 2005
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    when is tart up my cpmputer windows xp message comes up saying this is not genuine product, i hav e2 choices either buy genuine or resolve matter later, how can i get around problem without buying original copy, please help
  2. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Well if the computer starts up all the way you should check witch update from windows you have. There is a brand new update that checks to see if you have a genuine copy of windows. If it's there then uninstall it. If thats not the case you will have to buy a genuine copy of windows because once the cd key is is registered once thats it for that key, who ever uses it later will not be registered as owning a genuine windows copy.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2006
  3. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    And to add onto that.....Read the rules about piracy...IT isn't aloud on the site......Just buy the CD It would make Microsoft very happy :D
  4. DanandJen

    DanandJen Regular member

    May 25, 2005
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    On a side note, try contacting MS about the problem! And Hey 2coolforyou, how do you know that his PC didn't come with XP and he lost the install disk?????! Don't be so judgmental about people, perhaps ask politly about it first then bash him! Anyway if you did have it on your PC origonally, usually if you ask MS real nice they will give you a new CD key to use. Give it a try. If that doesn't work, even if the software is pirated, they will ask for $15 dollars and they will give you one so your copy is legit. Either way you come out on top!

    PS: I don't agree with piracy but everyone has the god given right to do things their way, who are we to judge! And MS has enough money anyway! They tried to charge me $15 for a new key for Halo!!!!! Even after I gave them my reciept info for it and a recent credit card statement to show it was legit! MS can bite me!
  5. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Thank you DanandJen, lol.

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