Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by wallen69, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. wallen69

    wallen69 Member

    Jun 6, 2005
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    I recently downloaded WinDV to 'capture' the video from my Sony MiniDV camcorder as I had had problems with dropped frames etc using Nero Vision Express. WinDV worked like a charm capturing the video with no dropped frames. However went to use it again last night with no joy, it would not recognise that my Camcorder was connected! I deleted it and copied it back to my PC from the floppy I had stored the downloaded ZIP file on, still no joy. Restared PC, reconnected camcorder etc no joy. A real mystery! Any suggestions? (I am running Windows XP SP2 Home edition on a 2.2GHz Celeron with 512MB RAM). I have never had more problems using a PC for any application than I have had with this video business, with multiple software problems (an no not all the same problem or I would suspect either the firewire port or the Camcorder).
  2. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    It's rarely the port or the cam, it's usually the cable, or it's connections.
  3. wallen69

    wallen69 Member

    Jun 6, 2005
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    I should have added that Windows regognises the Camcorder is connected and the capture mode of Nero Vision Express 3 can see and contol the Camcorder (I prefer WinDV because I can capture without dropped frames without having to turn off my Firewall and antivirus software, which i have to do with Nero).

    To make this even stranger I am certain no settings have been changed on the PC since I last used WinDV successfully as that was the day before I went on vacation and when I first tried to use it with out success was the day I came back :(.

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