Today I inserterd Star wars III and while playing I had no sound, selected the audio 2 speakers and still no sound. Inserted another DVD and still no luck. I played the above DVD with Window Media and I had sound. Last time I used Windvd the sound worked. Anyone has a solution to this problem TIA
Let's start simple. What is the volume setting on the WinDVD7 app? Depending on the system, you can have manual controls on the speakers, system audio controls (software), auxiliary controls off a keyboard, and the audio controls of the app itself. On occasion the app has been known to act up, get corrupted. The easiest thing to do in those cases is to reload and make sure the required software is also installed; DirectX 9, Windows Media Format 9, QuickTime Player, RealPlayer, and Windows Media Player 9. If you didn't download those before, you can do it easily from the InterVideo site. Since the sound system works with other apps, it appears something isn't set properly in WinDVD7 or a program flaw has developed.