i have been using the evaluation copy of winrar and now my time is up and it wants me to pay for it now. i seem to be able to use the program just fine still. all i have to do is close the window that pops up telling me i have to buy. now my question...is there a difference between the evaluation copy and a purchased copy. i was wondering this because i tried to compress .wav files using the "best" compression method and it came out the exact same size. will a purchased copy be able to compress down any file type while the evaluation copy will not?
There are a lot of free compression/decompressing tools out there...7zip is pretty good. http://www.7-zip.org/
Pretty sure this still work's and v 3.51 is all you'll need unless using Vista, download and install WinRar: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r18960910-Free-Fully-Registered-WinRAR-351-nonupgradeable and download and save the key to your desktop. To register WinRar, right click to open. The key (below the flickr image about 2 inches) can be deleted after registering but I'd save it as this is already an old link.