I basically need to buy a new router cause my linksys seems to be on its last leg. Any suggestions on a good wireless router for a hot deal? Please provide links if you see a great deal and I only connect 1 comp and a xbox 360 so it doesn't need to be deluxe. -thanks edit: USA
It would help to know where you are located. Some of us only look at local (country) ads so US sales won't help you if you are located somewhere else. You also didn't specify whether you need b/g or b/g/n. And no, I'm not an XBOX 360 user so I son't know what type of 802.11 it supports.
Sorry, I forgot to mention I live in the U.S.A. I don't need anything fancy and the one I'm leaning towards atm is 24.99 shipped. -thanks http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...&cm_re=wireless_router-_-33-704-002-_-Product