Need help. I was given some DVD's with VOB formatted video that I am trying to copy, edit and clip to make highlight videos from. Typically my WMM has no problem with other VOB video that I have recorded using my Camcorder. The DVD's that I receive will play using Windows Media Player, but when I import them into WMM, I get only a 20 second clip of the 40 minute video. I play that 20 second clip and that is all I see. But when I move the control bar when its playing the 20 second clip, it seems I can move further into the video, as if all 40 minutes are there, but I can't watch the video continously. I tried copying the DVDs to my hard drive, and it appears that the files are complete, almost 1G for each video, which is typical of the size when I do the recording. Could the VOB file on these DVD's be encrypted so that I can't copy and edit them? Is there a work around for this problem?
Thank you attar. Using the VOB2MPG software was simple and converted the files to one mpeg. The new mpeg file importa completely into WMM and can be edited now.