I've had a good luck thro' the board for te same problem and even thro' a few people seem to have the same thing happening, there hasn't been a real solution posted. I used to have no problem making WMP 9 going to full screen now if I click on it, it just flashes up to full screen for 1 second then goes back to normal size. This is really annoying as a lot of the DivX movies I D/L will only play properly in WMP.Also The Theater mode in Kazaa is doing the same. Please help. Thank You. Lee.
Thats a strange one...has this happened only recently, and did it happen after you downloaded a movie file? Ive never heard of this happening before and the only thing i suggest is scanning your computer for any viruses...I also could suggest using a program called gspot to see if you have the right codecs for all your movies but im not too sure if this could be a solution. heres the link: http://www.headbands.com/gspot/
I 've scanned for virus and all clear. I can't say excacty when it started happening. I've got Gspot already mate and I've got all the right codecs, and anyway its not just one film it's all of them!! Cheers.
what do you use to decode your films, ffdshow? If so maybe you should upgrade to a newer version. Also did you get your codecs from the nimo codec pack? Try uninstalling the redundant ones, codecs youre sure you dont need.
If you have saved the WMP9 download (exe) file somewhere try activating it again and selecting 'update'- this will re-install anything that's missing or has become corrupted. WMP9 has a habit of suddenly degrading without notice especially on the codecs for it's radio tuner.