I have a downloaded wmv movie that I want to convert and burn to DVD. I've tried DVD SantaClaus as well as SUper DVD Creator 8.0. When I try to load the wmv movie, I get an error that says "Not supported media format". You need to install some codec. RenderFile(w/file). Not sure what this means. Any help?
Try Main Concept Mpeg encoder. It has worked well for me.Go to www.mainconcept.com for information and a demo.
Ahhh, and then there were freebies: http://freecodecs.com/ These downloads you say for Santa and Super video converter 8. Did you register or are they trial? Normally trials only let you convert only one type format. Usually avi or mpeg to your format of DVD. If they are only trials, you will not be able to convert from wmv even with the codecs installed.