Ok i have quite a few .wmv videos I downloaded a long time ago. I want to convert these if possible to better quality video modes. Can I do this?...Maybe if i convert to .mpg? How? Also is it possible to make like a VCD out of this?...I have quite alot of little 5 minute videos of WWE/WWF stuff I want to convert and make it into one VCD I don't have a DVD-R so I would like to make a VCD. Can someone guide me or is there a simple guide online to follow? Thanks alot.
Tmpgenc will (should) take your .wmv and .asf files, and make them into (S)VCD. You may need a plugin or two. Available on videohelp.com in the tools section under tmpgenc. VSO DivX to dvd might take those files too (as well as a couple of others).