wifes comp uses a intergrated ati radeon express 200 and her comp has 512 meg ddr ram and mine is an ati radeon 9550 256 meg ddr card and i have a 514+256 meg ddr ram. are our comps good to go to play this game?
Your wifes will struggle badly, and yours will probably need to be set to lowest specs if u want the game to run smoothely.
Some games you could play are 'Battlefeild 1942' 'StarCraft' 'WarCraft' and other low end games, but if you seriously want to take a jump into PC gamming you might wanna invest in some upgrades so you can play the big boy games. Like Batlefeild 2 and Command and Conquer
Oh sorry, i didnt relize you said world of warcraft game compatability, i thought you ment in general, my bad
Well i had a computer that had 64mb nvidia geforce 4mx intergrated shared memory graphics thingy with 666mhz and 512 ram it ran smoothly.... on the lowest of everything (im talking bout world of warcraft here)
yeah, you dont need a great computer to run thsi game, most basic machines can run it. i also had 64mb of onboard video and i could even run the game on medium quality