ok so I have a DVD burner on my computer with and S video jack and I have a S video jack on my VCR. Could I hook the two together and then some how get the VHS movie to come on my computer? How would I get the material that is on the VHS on my computer? And would there be any sort of copyright that I would have to deal with? And if so, where might I get some software online to do this? We are going on a trip and my daughter loves some of her VHS movies, but we are taking a portable DVD player so I would like to make a few copies of the tapes we have just for this trip. Any ideas? Thanks Amanda
You would need more then an S Video hookup to backup your VHS movies to your computer. You would also need an audio connection. S video is just a video hookup not audio. Where on your computer is the S video jack? If the S video jack is on your video card then more then likly it is an ouput S video jack. You need a capture card or capture USB device to capture the VHS on your computer to burn to DVD. If you have a capturing device then you should have been provided with a program to capture video.