I recently got an email with an attachment of a .PDF file in it. The person wanted me to fill out the document and email it back to them. I opened the file in my adobe reader 8 program and clicked to start typing, nothing happened. How do I go about doing this So I don't have to print it off and mail it to them through the post office? Any help on this would be great
There is a little camera in Adobe Reader. Because you only have the reader you can not do anything to the document. Use the little camera to copy the entire image then open up Microsoft Word and select paste. Now the document is in Word. Do not select the document but use the drawing toolbar and select text box. Type in the text box and size it to the font size you need then move it to the area where the text is to be displayed. Another way to do it is displayed here: http://wordtips.vitalnews.com/Pages/T1029_Converting_PDF_to_Word_Documents.html This is probably the easiest way, but the was I explained will work as well, it is just harder to fill in the information. You will have to send the file back as a word image, unless you have a way to save it as a pdf document in word. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word/HA100649921033.aspx There is also another way to do it if you do not have Adobe on your system. http://www.case.edu/provost/gradstudies/etd/word2pdf.pdf I hope this information helps.