I got so used to burning DVDs with no prob i guess i got spoiled.. I tried DVD Decrypter with 4 different settings, Dvd Fab...it burns the movie but started to jumble scenes. Also chose theatrical version, but still had the 1/2 icon in top right corner (assuming that is for choose fate option)dammit man
After u rip it to the HDD run it thru VobBlanker to take all the bad cells out, then use shrink then burn, that should take care of ur problem. Here is where to get it http://www.videohelp.com/~jsoto/vobblanker.htm here is a guide http://www.dvdr-digest.com/articles/article_vobblanker_page1.html
AnyDVD, Shrink, Main movie only,AnyDVD, Nero Recode for the whole movie for the choose the fate thing, just your basic blood and boobs movie if you can't copy it don't loose any sleep over it watch it take it back to the rental store