I recently had a large amount of computer problems, so what we did was delete and reinstall eveything (operating sytem and all) and so when I reinstalled Limewire to get the movies/audio for the ipod I encountered my first problem. When I got the first movie it took the same amount of time as usual, but when I opened it to watch it, only the audio showed up, the images were replaced by the WMP spinning colors thing, is this a codec problem, or what. O and im sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.
Yeah, it's most probably a codec thing. If you download & install this codec pack, you should be alright. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/Codec-Packs-Video-Codecs/Nimo-Codec-Pack.shtml By the way, what format is the video? i.e. what is the extension at the end?