PLEASE HELP>? i got a modded xbox. wHen i turn on my xbox in the corner i see a triangle with the word EVO X in it and then it goes right to the normal xbox dash... Is is possible to get the exo x dash on my xbox? WHAT IS THIS? I HAVE DOWNLOAD THE DASHBOARDS VERSIONS 3921 AND VERSION 3285. WHICH IS THE BEST ONE VERSION? I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT VERSION IS MY EVO BIOS? WHEN I WILL INSTALL THE EVOLUTION ON MY X-BOX THE DEFAULT MENU WILL CHANGE? ONE MORE THERE IS POSSIBILITY MY X-BOX HAVING PROBLEMS AFTER THE INSTALL?
That's just the Evox bios. To get the dashboard, you'll have to get the .RAR file from p2p networks or other sources (such as IRC).
Try and search for Slayers auto installer 2.6 final from P2P networks or torrents. By the way evox 3935 is the latest version and slayers will load this and a whole lot more.