I was interested in getting my X Box chipped so i rang my local Computer and X Box shop. He said that there is no need to get the X Box chipped and it will be just as good with a bios upgrade. Not knowing what bios was i was completely confused but i am getting there. I now know what bios is however still don't get why you need a mod chip if you can just get the bios upgraded. I understand that you can't access X Box live if you upgrade the bios however i don't think i am gonna go on X Box Live anyway. Can someone suggest the point of getting my X Box Chipped as well as what else i would need to do in order to make imports and backups work. I have found out a site which is pretty clear about how to upgrade the bios though it is http://www.teamxecuter.com/cromwell.htm but i am sure it is already on here. Its a beginners guide which is very helpful for people like meh. I would like to thank all in advance. Your advise and suggestions are greatly appreciated.