Do Not Buy Warning: On 9/4/03 I purchased x-copy platinum based upon reviews of prior products and the satisfaction guarantee on their website. The product was just released and I purchased the item for $158.94 including shipping. Upon downloading the product, I discovered that the software would not work. I the place 3 long distance calls to get tech help. These calls involved long wait times. I discovered over the course of the three calls that the release of their product was pre-mature and they did not yet have a fix for the software to recognize my Sony DRU 500ax dvd writer. I therefore requested a refund. I was told that I would have to wait for the hardcopy of the software and then return it. The software arrived via USPS on 9/20/03 with postage in the amount of $1.64. I returned the item immediately. On 9/25/03 I received a refund of $145.34. Incurring a net loss of $13.60. NOTHING ON THE FULL MONEY BACK REFUND SATISFACTION GUARANTEE INDICATED ANYTHING ABOUT MAILING COSTS AND HANDLING FEES NOT BEING RETURNED. THE COMPANY HAS REFUSED TO HONOR THEIR GUARANTEE.
Bastards! Thats an absurd amount of money considering you can get the FREEWARE software needed to do the same thing.