Hi, I just installed a Xecuter X3CE modchip and x3 3294 bios. It works perfectly but my question is do I have to select "reboot to dash" everytime to get to the UnleashX or EvoX Dashboard? Also when playing a game from the Hard Drive do I have to reboot the Xbox to get back to the dashboard? Thanks In Advance
Go to the X3 Live config screen, select Customize X3 BIOS and disable Autostart X3 Live. You'll jump into the dashboard you select in the Dashboard Boot Priority menu. Here's a link to the menus: http://x3.bustedchain.com/x3configlive.html Once you select disable Autostart X3 Live, you will not see that screen again in boot up, you'll go right to the dashboard. If you want to go to X3 Cofnig Live, press the white controller button on power up until it comes up. You can configure IGR or In Game Reset to bail you out of a game and back to the dash, but there are some pitfalls to this. First of all, from a time standpoint, it is the same as a power cycle. Secondly, some games have issues with IGR and either don't work or get flaky with IGR enabled.