i softmoded my xbox a while back with deluxe, and after transporting it to my dorm, i have been given an error code 16. it will now not boot to either the evox dashboard, or to the ms dashboard... please help!
you had the box unplugged longer then 4-5 hours and the internal clock reset and this forces the box to default boot the MS dashboard off the harddrive and not from a disc, which in your case isn't there or is a modified version. you'll have to repair the dashboard so you can reset the clock and when you reinstall your EVOX dash, don't take the MS dash off, leave it there. you don't need a modchip if you have your backup of the C/E drive and your EEPROM, although they prevent this sort of problem from happening again and are much easier to work with, good ole xboxman there has been spamming the forums for the past few weeks and has been banned on 4 or 5 accounts already for this. kc
alright i was planning to get a modchip anyways how do i do it that way, just install it, and everything is good? haha
if you get an Xecuter X3ce you can use it to boot into X3 Config Live and then FTP the MS dash back to the box, then FTP whatever dash you want to use there as well and select which one you want to be default boot. then no matter what you'll always have a dash to boot to, if the chip is disabled or ever fails (not very often) then the MS dash is in place and 100% functional. kc
awesome, would it be really easy to upgrade the hd then as well? and if thats the case, how large is an xbox game? haha thanks alot for your help
with the X3ce takes about 10 min to pull the box apart, swap the drive, close the box, use X3 Config Live to setup the drive and FTP everything back and play. games range in size from 20 meg to 7 gig that I've ran across. i don't recommend the Xapt3r if you can solder, they get loose and require tightening ever so often. kc
alright, i have installed the modchip, and now im trying to flash the bios... the only problem is, its not working very well... i boot up my xbox, and i get to the flashBIOS 3.0.1 screen, and after i enable network flashing, i cant seem to connect to it. i have set my local area connection correctly, i have checked that the cable is infact a crossover cable, and it seems like my computer connects to it. the X3CE chip itself shows all three lights, the flash protection is disabled, and the little panel on the outside is at on,on,off,off,off. the panel on the outside also shows the X symbol in blue (as it should) and when i turn it on it shows the HD led in blue for a little while, which then turns off after a bit. the LAN led blinks yellow (maybe red) on and off... i assume its a soldering error, but they all look ok, and i have no idea where to start... any help would be awesome !
Hi everyone I have a problem that is driving me mad. I installed the X3 ce with the switch plate and lcd display on the frt panel. I finally aquired a bios (x3_3294) burned it with nero changing the file name to bios.bin added the dummy file which was 500mb. now when i go to load it from disk my xbox video goes away and the eject button flashes orange. after that i cant power it down unless i unplug it. when i restart it it turns on and off three times then flashes orange with no video. again i cant turn it off. WHATS THE PROBLEM!! PLEASE HELP!! i have come so far on my own but now i definitly need your help. Thank You!
in the lower left corner of the TV screen (in FlashBIOS) you have the IP address of the box/chip, are you putting that into your browser??? if so then you should get the correct flash screen on your computer. you also do NOT have the bank select switch set to a 1 meg bank in order to flash the X3 3294 BIOS. On On Off Off On (on the default switch bank) is banks 1+2+3+4 and banks 5+6+7+8 would be Off On Off Off Off, you also need to make sure you are flashing the correct BIOS for your box version, X3 3294 for versions 1.0 through 1.5 and X3 3294 V16plus for a version 1.6 and 1.6b it sounds like you are flashing the wrong version to your box version, see above..........also when flashing the correct version the box will turn its self off, when it's hanging up and you are unplugging it, that's corrupting the bios that was trying to flash (which is not the correct version for your box or you'd see the progression on screen) you should still be able to boot into the backup BIOS holding power/eject at the same time to get the FlashBIOS screen and try again. to both HTTP flashing is by and far the easiest for the newbie to do, you'll have all indications on the PC screen that you need till it says "flashing chip" then the TV screen will show the progression and then the box turn off by its self and you're all done IF you flashed the correct version BIOS for your box version. [EDIT] and to add, you must have the correct bank selected for the BIOS the X3 3294 both versions require a 1meg bank so you have to either use 1+2+3+4 or 5+6+7+8 kc