Hey I ordered a pre-modded x-box from modchipstore.com anyway I am having an issue flahing the system. I went thru the steps listed at xbox-modchips.com. I downloaded the v3.01 and v3.03 flashbios and tried using both while flashing and everytime I quickly turn the xbox back on it goes back to the flashbios screen. When I start it up in on,on,off,off,off selected it gives me v3.01 and when I start it in off,on,off,off,off selected it gives v3.03 at the top. I am trying to flash via http and named the file X3_1959.bin as said in the tutorial. I went thru xboxmodchipstore.com tutorials and cant figure out if I am missing some little step or what. Can I get some help?
I haven't seen anybody ever manage an online flash. I always flash from disk because of this. It's my understanding that the bios needs to be called bios.bin as that's all the chip will accept. Check that your xbox is actually connected correctly..an interesting thing here.. you MUST use an original controller, 3rd party doesn't work. If you still can't get it to work look at how to make a bios flash disk. I forgot something important..flashbios 3.0.1 is for v1.0-5 and flashbios 3.0.3 is for a 1.6 and you need the right bios for a 1.6...What type is your box??
I have a I believe 1.6 with samsung rom. I think I read somewhere the 1.6b had a different type of rom. Anyway the whole 3rd party controller has me lost. Your saying I need like the big bitch controller, and the smaller one that came with it wont work or sometimes doesnt work? I will try the disc becaise I have tried everything I could think of with the http.
Not quite.. As long as it's a proper MS controller it's fine. But you will need to find a 1.6 bios. You can tell because they have 1.6 on the end of the name. It's easy to make a bios disk when you know how..you need the dummy file maker (google) and as it's a 1.6 with a samsung 605f you are better going with a dvd-r as I don't believe they do very well with cd-r/rw. I'll test that theory tomorrow... You will need to flash onto bank 2..the one with flashbios 3.0.3 on it the first time. To make the disk get your 1.6 bios and rename it bios.bin.. Make a dummy file of 500MB and call it dummy.bin. I used Nero express and just burned the two files as a compilation onto a iso9660 joliet1 dvd with multisession off..easy, but I remember having a bad time until I got it just right.. If you are struggling pm me and I'll see if I have the files to help you. I have an auto setup for nero and the dummyfile maker app, and probably a 1.6 bios too..
I tried using a cd/rw and dvd/r and loaded two discs with one version 3.01 and 3.o3 and tried all 4 ways. Everytime it went thru the whole yellow then green completion bar went thru and when I pressed the power right after the self-shutdown it just returned to the flash bios screen.
Thats because you reflashed the bios with the SAME bios on the chip LOL... your not going to want to reflash the FLASHBIOS bios onto the chip. You want an Xecuter bios or an EvoX bios check the tutorials at: http://www.xbox-modchips.com/tutorials.html it will provide you with links on where to get a non FLASHBIOS Bios Also you might want to give this tutorial a look over: http://www.xbox-modchips.com/tutorials/flashbios-tutorial.htm