This is a post from Modified X3 bios released on newsgroups >> A modified ('hacked') version of the X3 bios (just the MS-based hacked bios, the X3 OS ('Live Config') is not accessible as it needs the X3 hardware) has been released on Xbox newsgroups. From readme/nfo: Alright I'm triyng to get down to the point here. I dont have any answers but I have many questions... Let's start off easy... 1. Is it wrong to give information about the release of a company that was hacked after hacking? If people had spacific questions would it be alright to answer. I mean copywrited m$ code is involved in the x3 bios yet they sell w/ no problem... so if they got hacked is that stopping us from moving forward? 2. I have information about getting the X3 hacked bios would I be able to release it within' I have collected the x3 bios and would like to know what other people think?
Alright lets see here. First Executer does not sell there own product, and the websites that do sell executer products, don't sell them with the x3 bios on them, only the cromwell flashbios. After you install your chip, you must obtain a hacked M$ bios foud elsewhere. So no executer does nothing illegal.